Last Updated: Jan 8th, 2008 - 13:55:49 |
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Honda 6 Speed Transmission Fix Confirmed

Jan 8, 2008, 13:34 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
3M Protective Film Clear Bra Test
With all the talk of paint protection, and with so many great products out there, not as many car nuts have ever seen or heard of the "clear bra" or protective film. However, there are plenty of articles out there talking about it, and how to install it. Now the reader can see first hand what the fuss is about. In this article we look at the 3M Protective Film for the automotive industry. We talk about how to care for it, options to install it, and how durable it is. Plenty of pictures and videos, and off course we test durabilty by shooting it with an air pistol to see if it shreds by being hit at 260+ MPH by a pellet.
Dezoris - M.Sanew Hondavision.com
Dec 17, 2004, 23:30 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Suspension Design: Types of Suspensions 2
This article will provide a basic overview of just about all of the different types of rear suspensions that have been used on production and racing vehicles since the inception of the automobile. While some of the older styles are obsolete it is still important to learn about them because it provides valuable insight into why the cutting edge suspensions of today perform so much better. Part 2 of 2 (Rear Suspension)
Oct 25, 2004, 00:37 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
What it takes: A Day in the Life of a Car Designer (Part 1)
Transportation design seems to be the major endeavor for the automotive youth in this day in time. People see shows on TV depicting people building choppers, cars, and other custom vehicles with complete ease. Then these same viewers think they can do the same. Quite contrary to first impression, it is a tremendous task to build a custom auto using existing plans, much less build one from scratch.
Sep 14, 2004, 23:35 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Suspension Design: Types of Suspensions
This article will provide a basic overview of just about all of the different types of front suspensions that have been used on production and racing vehicles since the inception of the automobile. While some of the older styles are obsolete it is still important to learn about them because it provides valuable insight into why the cutting edge suspensions of today perform so much better.
Part 1 of 2 (Front Suspension)
Aug 22, 2004, 23:57 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Turbochargers: Design and Related Parts
The wise consumer makes a better purchase than the ignorant one, so if you are seriously interested in turbo performance you at least need to know the fundamentals. This article is dedicated to the turbocharger, ultimately the most powerful of all forced induction systems.
Jul 19, 2004, 17:10 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Superchargers: Compressor Design and Choices
There have been several different supercharger designs used in automotive history, but only a few remain in common use today. This discussion will explain how each works and give some basic information on the advantages/disadvantages of each.
Jul 19, 2004, 17:05 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Overview: Supercharger vs. Turbocharger
The intention with this article is to shed some light on the theories behind turbocharging the modern engine, and the wonderful advantages it gives us in both speed and basic engine design issues. This post is also to try and give people a better understanding of supercharger systems and how they work to make such a simple thing as an engine even simpler.
Jul 19, 2004, 17:00 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Braking Basics and Break in Practice
In this article we will look at what is important in stopping a vehicle and what factors are involved. The reader should remember the concepts behind braking in this article. These concepts are universal, no matter what vehicle, we talk of, improving stopping distance is a matter of applying applications based on driving habits and driving conditions.
Jul 18, 2004, 22:49 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Hydraulics to the Flywheel: Clutch Operation Explained
This article aims to help in the understanding of the entire clutch system and its function. This is by no means a summary of all things clutch related as there are entire books published on just the design of the mechanical advantage of the hydraulic system alone; however this should be a good basic overview for anyone who desires to learn just what goes on when the clutch pedal is pushed.
Jul 16, 2004, 15:10 - [ Discuss this story ]
Technical Corner
Technical Articles
Turbo Selection: A Guide to Understanding Flow Maps
This article coveres the basics of understanding compressor flow maps, how to read them, how to select compressor wheels which best suit your engine and the best way to determine wheel trims and housing A/R’s. Hopefully, this sheds some light on the mysteries of turbo selection and should give you a little more confidence when purchasing that next thousand dollar upgrade.
Jul 16, 2004, 14:31 - [ Discuss this story ]